Sunday, May 10, 2009

Noodling Blade Runner

For those of you who attended the optional screening of Blade Runner, I thought I'd post a few questions for you to noodle over.

Also, if you're interested, the film was an adaptation of Philip K. Dick's novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, and this novel is being turned into a comic book series starting in June.

What religious/spiritual symbols or gestures did you notice in the movie? Do they form any coherent interpretive pattern for you?

Why does Roy quote a William Blake poem when he enters Chu's eye-lab?

Speaking of eyes, what do you make of all the eye imagery and references throughout the film? Whose eye did we see in that opening sequence with all the building lights and flames reflected in it? How might your answer to that question shape your interpretation of the film? "If only you could see what I've seen with your eyes." "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe..."

What does the movie tell us about what it means to "be human?"

Why do they use the terms slave/slavery in the film?

What does the film have to say about our capacity, or lack of it, to love others?

What do you make of the East Asian-style L.A. of 2019?

How does Deckard's status as human or replicant shape your take on the narrative?

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